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Terms and Conditions

1. General Information

1.1 These terms and conditions form part of an agreement we have with you, the client, being the company/person to whom the

quotation is made out (‘the Client”). This forms the entire agreement between Navigate and the Client and supersedes all prior oral

or written proposals, undertakings or communications.

1.2 The Client, duly represented by an authorised person, accepts responsibility for payment for all learners listed in the booking. The

Client has the responsibility to ensure that all other persons listed on the booking form read these terms and conditions and are

fully aware of the booking conditions and course details and requirements.

1,3 We shall provide the services quoted for (“the Services”) strictly in terms of these terms and conditions. No other terms shall be

applicable unless these are reduced to writing and accepted by Navigate.

2. Payment

2.1 Provisions of the Services and the booking will only be confirmed once a VALID PURCHASE ORDER is issued at least 10 (ten) business

days before commencement of the course.

2.2 No certificates or course results will be made available if the course has not been paid in full or where no purchase order has been


2.2 All payments are to be made via electronic funds transfer. No cheques or card payments will be accepted.

2.3 Navigate reserves the right to disable user access to the course should payment not be received within 30 days from the date of


2.4 Quoted prices are subject to the prevailing exchange rate at the time of invoicing.

3. Cancellations

Due to the nature of the courses, no cancellations will be accepted after the user receives his/her login details to the course material and as

such no refunds will be made to the client or learner.

4. Course Participation, Liability & Other Important Information

Navigate does not take responsibility for any loss or damage (personal/property) caused to delegates attending a face-to-face workshop as

a result of their own negligence and further does not take any responsibility for loss or damaged caused (personal/property) by any delegates

in the group.

6. Compliance with POPIA

The Client agrees that they will comply with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and process all Personal Information in

respect of the Services being rendered in accordance with the said Act and only for the purpose of providing the Services set out in this

Agreement. The Client confirms that they received the necessary consent of the Delegate(s) and have made the Delegate(s) aware of these

Terms and Conditions. The client and the learners/delegates are aware and consent to their personal information being shared with the

respective training institution for purposes of enrollment. These training institutions are based in countries that have similar data privacy

laws and include institutions based in the United States of America, Australia and the United Kingdom. The learners/delegates further

acknowledge and consent to their results being made available to their employer where needed. The client and/or delegates are free to

refuse consent for processing of their personal information with the understanding that we may be unable to process their registration.

8. Prices

The price published on our website is valid at the time of publication. Although every effort is made to ensure prices are accurate at the

time of invoicing, exchange rate fluctuations may occur and any changes will be made clear at the time of invoicing.

9. Withdrawal of Quote

Navigate reserves the right to withdraw any quote within 5 (five) business days after such quote was delivered to the client by means of fax,

e-mail, hard copy etc.

10. Force majeure

We will not be liable to you to provide the Services as a result of any force majeure in so far as these are beyond our control.

11. Legal Costs

The parties agree that any and all cost in collection of any amount outstanding and owing to Navigate will be for the account of the client.

12. Consent to Jurisdiction

The parties to this agreement consent to the jurisdiction being South Africa and that the laws of the Republic of South Africa will apply.

13. Domicilium citandi et executandi

Both parties choose the addresses as set out in the enrolment form as their respective domicilia citandi et executandi.